Aubrey de Grey - Towards the Future of Regenerative Medicine
In recent times there as been surprising progress in stem cell research and in regenerative medicine that will change the world. Aubrey de Grey is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Foundation - an organisation focused on going beyond ageing and leading the journey towards the future of regenerative medicine! What will it take to get there? Here are some topics we will cover: - Updates & progress at SENS - Highlights of promising progress in regenerative medicine in general - Recent funding successes, what can be achieved with this? - Discussion on getting the message across - desirability & feasibility of rejuvenation therapy - Robust Mouse Rejuvenation - now Aubrey predicts only half a decade away - What could be the future of regenerative medicine? - Given progress so far, what can people alive today look forward to? Bio : Chief Science Officer, SENS Research Foundation, Mountain View, CA - AgeX Therapeutics - Dr. Au...