Cassidy Nelson - Biosecurity: Global Catastrophic Biological Risk Mitiga...

Global Catastrophic Biological Risks (GCBRs) are biological events with
the potential to alter humanity's long-term trajectory or result in
human extinction. Cassidy will argue that while the relative probability
of a GCBR event may be low, reducing biological threats is arguably
very cost-effective given the potential long-term consequences. She will
also discuss how recent advancements in synthetic biology and genetic
engineering have made anthropogenic pandemics an increasingly real
possibility, making biosecurity an effective altruism cause area worthy
of close consideration.

Speaker Bio: Cassidy is an Affiliate Scholar at the Future of Humanity
Institute. Previously she was a medical doctor working in communicable
disease public health for the Victorian Department of Health and Human
Services and human biosecurity for the Australian Government. She has
previously worked in hospital and laboratory medicine around Australia
and volunteered with the Waterwell Project, Multiple Sclerosis Society
of Queensland, and in Kenya and Indonesia with the International
Humanity Foundation. She is one of Melbourne’s World Economic Forum
Global Shapers, and is passionate about effective altruism and ensuring a
positive future for generations to come.

#biosecurity #xrisk #EffectiveAltruism #EAGx


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